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Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

That Should Be Me

Hai kawan, kenalain nama aku Jeny. Aku kelas 2 smp. Kehidupan ku terbilan helit. Aku fans Justin Bieber. Semua tentang Justin Bieber aku tau semua. Tak ada habisnya aku memjui dia. Pas istirahat di sekolah, aku jajan bareng gengku. Kenalin namanya Gea, Dita, Sasa, Fera dan aku. Kadang kadang kami mengejek artis yang kita suka, tapi itu semua bercanda hehe. Di geng kami, Gea lah yag paling pinter. Dia suka banget sama Jonas. Dia pernah bilang padaku kalo justin tuh ngikutin jonas yaitu "JB". Padahal kan enggak. Pokoknya si Gea benci banget deh sama Justin. Nah, setiap hari saling mengejek, yaudah kami marahan. Soalnya dia dalem bangettt ngatainnya. Samapi bikin aku sakit hati. Dia juga pernah bilang kalu Justin itu "BANCI". Aku sampe nangis loh !!!! kata orang sih LEBAYYY. Gea suka Jonas waktu jonas pertama keluar. Kalo aku kan baru, soalnya justin juga baru tenar belakangan ini. Hari demi hari aku dan Gea makin parah marahannya. Bahkan jajan saja, engga bareng lagi tuh si Gea. Yaaaaa, aku ada sedih sama senengnya. Kalo sedih, dia bakal gak jadi sahabatku lagi, gak ada yang ngajarin peer or tugas lagi, kalo senangnya gak ada yang ngatain justin lagi hehehe. Pas banget pelajaran MTK, aku dan teman ku 1 geng kecuali Gea udah kelabakan banget sama matematika. Sedangkan Gea, asyik utak atik angka. Kalo aku udah ketemu angka, udah deh !!!! rasanya kepala mau pecah !!!!. Biasanya Gea tuh ngajarin kita kita. Tapi sekarang ngomong "A" aja ogah bangett. Aku pernah nyoba mention sama nulis di wall dia gini "Apa kabar Gea?" gak dibales bales, ngeselin amat sih !!!. Yaudah, sekarang aku gak pernah kontak kontakan sama dia lagi. Pas hari Sabtu, kita ngumpul ngumpul bareng, hang ou bareng, makan bareng, main bareng. Biasalah Hari Sabtukan Harinya KAMIII semua hehe kaya upin ipin aja deh. Eh si Dita dapet sms dari si Gea. Wah pertamanya kami seneng bangettt, yaaa soalnya kan aku marahan sama dia :(. Katanya gini " maaf ya semua, gue pengen pindah ke Rusia, sebenernya gue gak mau ninggalin kalian semua, tapi bokap nyokap gue maksa gue. soalnya di sini udah sumpek, mumet, gue juga mau ngirup udara di luar sana. maaf yahhh :'((." Udah selesai bacanya, semuanya nangissss !!!. Aku galau *:o OHMYG*. Terus aku inget, kalo hari senin tuh ada pelajaran SBK, pas banget kita praktek nyanyi. Malem minggu, biasanya aku main sama anak anak lain, tapi ini enggak. Aku cari lagu yang bagus buat dia. Utak Atik hape, laptop, iPod, semuanya deh. Tapi gak ada yang pas. Aku nyari yang simple, mudah diinget, terus mendalam. Yaudah deh, aku nyerah aku belom dapet lagu yang pas. Hari Minggunya, aku cari lagi tuh. Terus aku inget ada lagu Justin yang mendalam bangettt yang buat pacarnya yaitu "That Should Be Me" liriknya sebagian aku ganti. Nih liriknya
that should be me holding your hand
that should be me making you laugh
that should be me this is so sad
that should be me 2x
that should be me feeling your bliss
i should not be angry with you
this is so wrong
i can't go on, till you believe
that should be me

Haha agak gak nyambung yak? ah yang penting ketemu lah hoho. Besoknya, pelajaran SBK, semua nya pada deg degan. Karena Gea absennya lebih dulu, jadi dia nyanyi duluan. Mau tau gak dia nyanyi lagu apa? lagu nya JONAS yang TURN RIGHT. Liriknya gini " Turn right, into my arms, turn right you won't be alone" pas terakhir, dia bilang gini " lagu ini buat sahabat ku, aku minta maaf ya kalo ada salah. aku mau pindah ke luar negri". aku menitikkan air mata :'(. Pas namaku dipanggil, aku langsung maju, bersemangat, sedih pokoknya campur aduk deh. Aku nyanyi that should be me. "ini lagu buat Gea, seharusnya kita gak usah marahan, cuman masalah sepele doang, maafin gue yak!". Semuanya udah pada nyanyi, kata guruku yang paling bagus aku yeayyyy seneng bangett deh :)). Semua sudah terkendali ko :D. Gak ada lagi marahan, aku seneng banget hehe.Tapi hari ini adalah hari terakhir Gea di sini. Aku sedih bangetttt. Padahal MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER IS GEA. Yaudah, aku ikhlas in aja :).

Makasih ya Teman teman yang telah membaca cerpen ini :))

Ciptaan : Tifani Hartiwi Sari

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

All of My Friends


Namanya Nisha. Dia kaka kelas gue. Dia orangnya lucu, baik ama gue, asik diajak ngobrol. Cuman gue sekarang udah jarang telpon dia, jarang smsan. Padahal kalo kalian kenal baek loh anaknya !! :D (promo aja). Kalian bisa temenan sama dia di fb dia
FB : Chairunnisha Itayahor
Twitter : @nishaitayahor

Nah kalo di sebelah kanan tuh namanya ka debby. orangnya cantik, baik, dan pinter banget bahasa inggrisnya. gue kenal dia lewat FB ckck. kalian juga bisa temenan sama dia ko di
FB : Debby Alviniola
Twitter : @debbyalviniola
tapi kalo di twitter dia enggak pernah buka twitter, tapi dia punya twitter (aneh ya --").
2 sahabat yang tak pernah terputuskan :D

Ka debby sibuk sendirian -_-

Debby. Nisha. Athina
 Namanya Ka Syifa. sama kaya gue sukanya tom felton. fans berat banget. Tom felton pemeran draco malfoy di film franchise Harry Potter :D. dia sama gue juga fans berat HP :D. orangnya asik :D. gue demen banget sama mata dia, kalo kata gue sih bagus hehehe . kalian bisa temenan sama dia di

FB : Syifa Caesara
Twitter : @SyifaCaesara
Ini gue. Nama gue Tifani. Kalian bisa manggil gue fani. menurut orang2  gue pinter, tapi ah biasa aja. kadang2 nilai gue juga menurun. gue punya sahabat namanya esa . dia udah pindah sekolah :(. pertama gue ditinggalin dia, rasanya sedih banget, soalnya gak ada ;agi yang nemenin gue istirahat. dia orangnya agak jail, tapi seru. gue nangis kalo inget dia. entah kenapa gue bisa nangis, gue juga bingung, gue nangis karna dtitinggalin apa gak ada temen istirahat ?. tapi bulan demi bulan berlalu, gue bisa sejenak melupakan dia, bukannya melupakan dia, tapi melupakan kesedihan gue. percuma kita nangis2 sampe habis pu  gak ada gunanya. tetep aja toh gak ada hasilnya. itu yang membuat gue tegar. selama ini gue nyari sahabat kaya dia gak ada. ada tapi waktu SD. gue udah di tinggalin sahabat udah 3 orang :(. sedih bangettt. tapi apaboleh buat kitapun haru tegar, sabar akan menghadapi cobaan ini :). Kalian bisa temenan sama gue di
FB : Tifani Hartiwi Sari
Twitter : @TifaniJovovich
Tumblr : camilajbam.tumblr.com
Yahoo Koprol : @tifaniwilliams


About Dakota Fanning

The Basics

Name: Hannah Dakota Fanning.
Known As: Dakota.
Birthday: February 23rd 1994.
Birthplace: Conyers, Georgia, USA.
Current Location: Los Angeles, California, USA.
Current Age: 15.
Eye Colour: Blue.
Hair Colour: Blonde.
Parents: Joy and Steve Fanning.
Siblings: Elle Fanning- more on Elle? Check out Totally Elle.
Pets: A horse named Goldie and a Schnoodle dog named Lewellen.


- Acting
- Knitting
- Dancing ballet
- Horseback riding
- Reading
- Cheerleading
- Traveling

Gifts From Co-Stars

- Tom Cruise gave Dakota a cell phone for her 11th birthday. Her parents wouldn't let her have one beforehand and weren't too happy about this gift, but in the end, they let her have it.
- Katie Holmes gave her some gorgeous shoes.
- Robert De Niro gave her an American Girl doll for her 10th birthday that looked like her character Emily Callaway in "Hide and Seek". He also gave her a laptop.

Fun Facts

- Dakota has been reading since the age of two.
- Dakota loves to watch movies! "My Best Friend's Wedding", "Gone with the Wind", "Harry Potter", "Shrek", "Shrek 2" and "The Incredibles" are amoung her favourites.
- When Dakota was a lot younger, she pretended she was pregnant by stuffing a pillow up her shirt. Then she went through child birth and Elle was the baby.
- Dakota and Elle used to have a goldfish, but it flipped out of the bowl one night and died.
- Goldie is Dakota's horse, and all of his stuff is pink. Dakota loves braiding his hair and putting glitter on his hooves. He also has a mirror at the arena, which he can often be seen staring into!
- She doesn't mind going to the dentist.
- Her two front teeth had to be pulled out so there would be room for her permanent teeth to come through.
- Dakota loves to read! She likes the Harry Potter series, Lemony Snicket, Charlotte's Web and Nancy Drew books.
- Dakota has worn braces and she also had to wear an expander at night.
- When Dakota had braces, she liked to match the rubber band colours with the colour of her outfit.
- Dakota and Elle tried to become vegetarians, although that didn't last long, as they don't like vegetables!
- Dakota can speak French and Spanish, she is learning through school.
- Dakota collects dolls.
- Her favourite colour is pink.
- She likes going to the movies with her friends.
- Dakota and Elle are afraid of thunderstorms and lightening.
- She is a member of the Red Cross.
- When she was younger, she had lots of imaginary friends! She said they had strange names like Cobb, Tube, Bop, Jesse and Pappy.
- Dakota is one of fourteen grandchildren.
- She can play the violin and piano.
- She finds it easy to memorize things. On the set of 'Winged Creatures' she was able to memorize everyone in costar Josh hutcherson's Family.
- Knitting is one of Dakota's hobbies and she makes scarfs for her co-stars.
- Dakota loves names, and carried around a book of baby names with her wherever she went.
- New Zealand, Australia, Mexico, Japan, France, England and Canada are amoung some of the fabulous countries Dakota has already visited!
- She likes to pretend she's talking on her cell phone when no one is there, and that she has messages when there are none.
- Dakota has seen some of the websites on her on the internet, she thinks they're very nice and she is honoured that people take their time to do that for her.
- Dakota has been Alice from Alice in Wonderland, and Scarlet O'Hara for Halloween.
- She can see the fireworks on 4th July from her house.
- Dakota and Elle love to watch Fear Factor.
- Dakota is homeschooled, and has a tutour with her on set when she is filming.
- She would really like to go to college, but continue acting at the same time.
- Charlotte's Web is one of Dakota's favourite books. She says it's a beautiful story about friendship, and she always crys at the end.
- When Dakota and Elle were younger, they read The Cat in the Hat to each other all the time. Then Dakota went on to star in the movie!
- Some of Dakota's favourite actors and people she would like to work with are Morgan Freeman, Hilary Swank, Johnny Depp, Kate Blanchett, Judi Dench, Kate Winslet and Meryl Streep, Cameron Diaz and Holly Hunter.
- Dakota stays up late to watch shows about comedians of the past, such as Lucille Ball.
- When Dakota did her first photoshoot for Teen Vogue when she was just 12 years old, she got to take home a pair of MJ combat boots from the shoot, which she still has to this day. She loves them.
- At aged 15, she finally fits into size zero clothes without having to get the clothes taken in which she finds amusing.
- Dakota says she has no off screen teen angst, but that she gets her rebellion out through her movies.
- Dakota currently attends a high school in Los Angeles which she enjoys and says everyone treats her as an equal. She wanted to experience those teen years like everyone else. Things like Prom and Homecoming, the memories you will never forget.

Career Facts

- Dakota's first commercial was for 'Tide' at age 5.
- Her first movie was "Tomcats".
- The first thing Dakota looks at on a script is what her character's name is.
- She started reading the script for "Hide and Seek" upstairs in her room, but had to come down and sit with her dad and sister because it was quite scary.
- Dakota only spent one day filming her scene for "Nine Lives", and it was done in one take.
- She is the youngest actress to be nominated for a SAG (Screen Actor's Guild) award. It was in 2002, for her performance in "I Am Sam".
- The aeroplane crash set was one of Dakota's favourites on "War of the Worlds".
- Her first kiss was with Tomas Curtis, on "Sweet Home Alabama".
- Dakota says she didn't find it hard to film the sad scenes in "I Am Sam", because she would think about her goldfish dying.
- She tries to learn as much as she can on every project she does.
- Dakota says her dark hair in "Hide and Seek" made her look scary, and she loved having dark hair.
- She doesn't practice her lines very much, just looks through them, because they always change.
- Dakota had wanted to work with Julia Roberts for a while, and was finally able to on "Charlotte's Web".
- She loves to promote her movies, like going to press conferences and premieres. She loves seeing everybody again and talking about the experiences they had on the movie.
- Tom Cruise would carry Dakota in his arms everywhere on the set of "War of the Worlds". It started one day when Steven Spielberg said, 'Tom, I think you should be carrying her.' Every day after that Tom joked to Dakota, asking if she was feeling a little heavier than in the day before.
- When Dakota learned she had been given the role as Lucy in "I Am Sam", she spent a long time jumping on her bed with joy and laughing down the phone to her grandmother.
- The hardest thing at the end of a movie is saying goodbye to everyone.
- Dakota loves to work, and likes to have time off too, but says it gets boring after a while, not working.
- She would like to try out directing when she's older.
- Dakota wants to act for the rest of her life! - Dakota has become great friends with two time co-star Kristen Stewart (Twilight & The Runaways). Kristen says they are so comfortable with eachother they even have their own second language.
2010 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse ... As Jane Volturi
2010 The Runaways ... As Cherie Currie
2009 The Twilight Saga: New Moon ... As Jane Volturi
2009 Winged Creatures/Fragments ... As Anne
2009 Push ... As Cassie Holmes
2009 Coraline ... As Coraline (voice)
2008 The Secret Life of Bees... As Lily Owens
2007 Cutlass ... As Lacy
2007 Hounddog ... As Lewellen
2006 Charlotte's Web ... As As Fern
2006 Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story ... As Cale Crane
2005 Lilo and Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch ... As Lilo (voice)
2005 War of the Worlds ... As Rachel Ferrier
2005 Hide and Seek ... As Emily Callaway
2005 Nine Lives ... As Maria
2004 My Neighbor Totoro ... As Satsuki (voice)
2004 In the Realms of the Unreal ... As Narrator
2004 Man On Fire ... As Pita Ramos
2003 Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time ... As Preschool Kim (voice)
2003 The Cat In The Hat ... As Sally Walden
2003 Uptown Girls ... As Ray Schleine
2002 Hansel & Gretel ... As Katie
2002 Trapped ... As Abby Jennings
2002 Sweet Home Alabama ... Young Melanie
2001 I Am Sam ... As Lucy Diamond Dawson
2001 Tomcats ... As Little girl in the park
2001 Father Xmas ... As Clairee


2004 Friends ... As Mackenzie
. episode: 10.14 - "The One with Princess Consuela"
2004 Justice League ... As Young Wonder Woman (voice)
. episode: "Kid Stuff"
2002 Taken ... As Allie Keys
. episode: 07 - "God's Equation"
. episode: 08 - "Dropping the Dishes "
. episode: 09 - "John"
. episode: 10 - "Taken"
2001 The Ellen Show ... As Young Ellen
. episode: 1.9 - "Missing the Bus"
2001 Family Guy ... As Little Girl (voice)
. episode: 3.12 - "To Live and Die in Dixie"
2001 The Fighting Fitzgeralds ... As Marie
. episode: 1.1 - "Pilot"
2001 Malcom In The Middle ... As Emily
. episode: 2.13 - "New Neighbors"
2000 Spin City ... As Cindy
. episode: 5.10 - "Toy Story"
2000 The Practice ... As Alessa Engel
. episode: 5.9 - "The Deal
2000 C.S.I: Crime Scene Investigation ... As Brenda Collins
. episode: 1.7 - "Blood Drops"
2000 Strong Medicine ... As Edie's Girl
. episode: 1.3 - "Misconceptions"
2000 Ally McBeal ... As 5 years old Ally
. episode: 3.21 - "Ally McBeal: The Musical, Almost"
2000 ER ... As Delia Chadsey
. episode: 6.19 - "The Fastest Year"
For more information on these Television roles, check out our TV Series page.


(Radio) Freeway Insurance
(Radio) NationWide Insurance


United Auto Workers Union
Stop n' Shop (Regional)
Georgia Lottery/W Ray Charles (Regional)
Cox Cable Comm (Regional)
2009 Critics Choice Awards: Best Young Actor/Actress (Under 21) for "The Secret Life Of Bees"
Image Awards: Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture for "The Secret Life Of Bees"
Black Reel Awards: Best Ensemble for "The Secret Life Of Bees"
Kids Choice Awards: Favorite Female Movie Star for "Charlotte's Web"
Young Artist Awards: Best Performace in a Feature Film - Leading Young Actress for "Charlotte's Web"
Critics Choice Awards: Best Young Actress for "Charlotte's Web"
ShoWest Awards: Supporting Actress of the Year
Kids Choice Awards: Favorite Female Movie Star for "Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story"
Young Artist Awards: Best Performace in a Feature Film - Leading Young Actress for "Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story"
2006 Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards: Favorite Movie Actress for "War of the Worlds"
MTV Movie Awards: Best Frightened Performance for "War of the Worlds"
Critics Choice Awards: Best Young Actress for "War of the Worlds"
LVFCS Sierra Awards: Best 'Youth in Film Award', for "War of the Worlds"
Saturn Award: Best Performance by a Younger Actor for "War of the Worlds"
Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards: Best Young Actress for "War of the Worlds"
Relly Awards: Best Junior Achiever
IFTA Awards: Best International Actress for "War of the Worlds"
Locarno International Film Festival: Best Actress for Nine Lives * To the ensemble of the actresses*
MTV Movie Awards: Best Frightened Performance for "Hide and Seek"
Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards: Best Young Actress for "Man on Fire "
Young Artist Awards: Best Performance in a Feature Film for "Man on Fire"
Critics' Choice Awards: Best Performance in a Feature Film for "Man on Fire"
Young Artist Awards: Best Performance in a Feature Film for "The Cat in the Hat""
Saturn Awards: Best Supporting Actress in a Television Series for"Taken"
9th Ratty Awards: Best Performance - Television Movie / Miniseries for "Taken"
Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards: Best Young Actor/Actress for "I Am Sam"
2002 Chicago Film Critics Association Awards : Most Promising Performer
2002 Golden Satellite Awards: Outstanding New Talent for "I Am Sam"
2002 Las Vegas Film Critics Society Awards: Youth in Film for "I Am Sam"
2002 Screen Actors Guild Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role for "I Am Sam"
2002 Young Artist Awards: Best Performance in a Feature Film - Young Actress Age Ten or Under for "I Am Sam"

Awards Dakota has Won

2009 Young Artist Awards
2009 Palm Springs International Film Festival Awards
2008 Hollywood Film Festival Awards
2008 Phoenix Film Critics Society Awards
2007 Kids Choice Awards
2006 Critics Choice Awards
2006 Young Artist Awards
2006 Saturn Awards
2006 LVFCS Sierra Awards
2006 Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards
Locarno International Film Festival
MTV Movie Award
2005 Relly Awards
2002 Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards
2002 Golden Satellite Awards
2002 Las Vegas Film Critics Society Awards
2002 Young Artist Awards


Here you will find some cute, cool movie lines from Dakota's characters. They're great to add in wallpapers, signatures, layouts, etc. Click in the movie you want quotes on and have fun reading them!
» Anne Quotes

» Cassie Holmes Quotes
» Coraline Jones Quotes
» Lily Owens Quotes
» Anne Quotes
» Lewellen Quotes
» Fern Quotes
» Cale Crane Quotes
» Rachel Ferrier Quotes
» Emily Callaway Quotes
» Maria Quotes
» Lupita (Pita) Ramos Quotes
» Sally Walden Quotes
» Ray Schleine Quotes
» Allie Keys Quotes: Taken Episode 1: Beyond the Sky
» Allie Keys Quotes: Taken Episode 2: Jacob and Jesse
» Allie Keys Quotes: Taken Episode 3: High Hopes
» Allie Keys Quotes: Taken Episode 4: Acid Tests
» Allie Keys Quotes: Taken Episode 5: Maintenance
» Allie Keys Quotes: Taken Episode 6: Charlie and Lisa
» Allie Keys Quotes: Taken Episode 7: God's Equation
» Allie Keys Quotes: Taken Episode 8: Dropping the Dishes
» Allie Keys Quotes: Taken Episode 9: John
» Allie Keys Quotes: Taken Episode 10: Taken
» Katie Quotes
» Young Melanie Quotes
» Abby Jennings Quotes
» Lucy Diamond Dawson Quotes


If you would like to write to Dakota, send your letter to:
Dakota Fanning c/o Cindy Osbrink
Osbrink Talent Agency
4343 Lankershim Blvd. Suite 100
Universal City, CA 91602


Be it a premiere, award ceremony or a special event, you can guarantee Dakota will be wearing something new and beautiful! Below are the outfits she has worn since 2001. To see bigger and more photos from each event, click on the little picture, it will take you to more in the gallery. Outfits are in order from newest to oldest.

Outfits From 2009

Outfits From 2008

Outfits From 2007

Outfits From 2006

Outfits From 2005

Outfits From 2004

Outfits From 2003

Outfits From 2002

Outfits From 2001


She might be thirteen, but she has grown a lot in the past years!